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Public Notice for Draft CEQA IS/NMD for Jenny Lind A-B Transmission Project - August 25, 2023

Public Notice

30-day Document Review And Availability

Draft Ceqa Initial Study/mitigated Negative Declaration For

Jenny Lind Water System Tank A-b Water Transmission Pipeline Project

Rancho Calaveras, Calaveras County, California

 The Calaveras County Water District (CCWD) is the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Lead Agency for the proposed Jenny Lind Water System Tank A-B Transmission Pipeline Project (Proposed Project). CCWD has directed the preparation of an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) in compliance with CEQA.

Project Location: The approximately 35.32-acre Study Area is located within the Calaveras County right-of-way (ROW) in Rancho Calaveras, Calaveras County, California. The project begins at Tank A on Hart Vickson Lane heading south, turns south on Baldwin Street, heads southeast on Usher Drive, turns east up Wind River Drive, continues east on Wind River Drive, and ends at Tank B.

Project Description: The Project proposes to install 20,000 feet of potable water transmission main (between 12-14-inch diameter transmission lines) to remove an existing hydraulic transmission bottleneck and improve conveyance to Tank B and install connections for new or replaced laterals. The pipeline will be placed in trenches within existing paved roads of the community of Rancho Calaveras in Calaveras County, California. The new pipeline will be installed parallel to the existing transmission system lines from Tank A on Hart Vickson Lane, continuing down Baldwin Street, Usher Drive, Wind River Drive, and continuing to Tank B on Wind River Drive.

 Findings/Determination: CCWD has reviewed and considered the proposed project and has determined that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment with the incorporation of mitigation measures, as supported by evidence provided in the Initial Study. The Calaveras County Water District hereby prepares and proposes to adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration for this project.

 IS/MND Document Review and Availability: The public review and comment period for the Draft IS/MND will extend for 30 days starting September 1, 2023 and ending October 2, 2023. Draft IS/MND can be viewed and/or downloaded here..

Comments/Questions: Comments and/or questions regarding the IS/MND may be directed to:

Calaveras County Water District

Attn: Charles Palmer, P.E. Senior Engineer

120 Toma Court

San Andreas, CA 95249


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