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Michael Minkler

Position: General Manager
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A man in a suit with a tie, smiling outdoors.

Michael Minkler is the General Manager of the Calaveras County Water District (CCWD). CCWD provides water or wastewater services to over 18,000 connections throughout rural Calaveras County. In addition, CCWD has hydropower facilities and countywide jurisdiction for water resources planning. Efforts in protecting the District’s vital infrastructure includes ongoing forest management activities in the Mokelumne, North Fork Stanislaus, and Calaveras River watersheds. CCWD’s service areas range from 500 feet to over 8,100 feet in elevation along the west slope of the Sierra Nevada. Prior to Joining CCWD, Minkler was the general manager of the Utica Water and Power Authority, a wholesale water provider and hydropower agency also located in Calaveras County. Before serving in the general manager role, Minkler was a land use attorney in Sacramento and Calaveras County, and served as general counsel or special counsel to various public agencies.

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