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CCWD Board of Directors to discuss District’s 5-year rate plan July 12, 2023 - July 11, 2023

CCWD’s current water and wastewater five-year rate plan was adopted on May 23, 2018. It is recommended best practice that the District’s rate plan be reviewed at a minimum every five years to determine the adequacy of the existing rates to support the district’s operating and capital programs.

In October of 2022, the district, through a third-party consultant, started reviewing the district’s current rate structure, conducting a district financial analysis, and building a rate structure plan for the next five years. The CCWD Board of Directors has held eight public meetings to discuss the rate structure, and the ninth meeting is the CCWD Board of Directors regular meeting scheduled for July 12, 2023, at 1PM.

In this meeting, CCWD staff will present a proposed rate schedule for the next five years.  If CCWD decides to move forward with the proposal, the formal Proposition 218 process will be initiated with a notice to all customers and a hearing to consider adopting the rates projected for September 13.  In addition to future public Board meetings, CCWD will conduct multiple community meetings during that time.

Details regarding the proposed rate schedule are included in the Board’s agenda packet, which can be found on our board meetings page

The meeting will be held in the Board Chambers at 120 Toma Court, San Andreas, CA. CCWD also provides a virtual option for this meeting, which can be accessed by clicking here.

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